Cozikids Jnr PortaFlex

Cozikids Jnr PortaFlex

Project Description

Following a successful year working in the social services sector alongside Occupational Therapists, Recliners tasked us in developing a range of children’s chairs that would sit under the Cozikids brand. The chairs were to cater for children who suffered with conditions such as Cerebral Palsy, but to retain a soft and playful aesthetic to sit within various environments.

The Jnr PortaFlex is the most supportive and functional chair within the Recliners product range. Designed to give maximum support in the upper body through lateral and head supports, the Jnr PortaFlex will also adapt to the changing needs of a child through their various stages of growth and care.

The chairs are designed to cater for various children groups such as Cerebral Palsy and Multiple Sclerosis whilst providing ultimate comfort and high levels of adaptability for those with more complex posture and pressure management needs.

Project Outline

Research & Exploration / Prototyping & Testing / CAD & Engineering / Product Visualisation

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